Guitar Collective Membership Policies
The guitar collective membership allows the student to choose from 10 class times per week. Depending on their chosen plan, the student can book that specific number of lessons per month.
They also get to choose between 1 and unlimited specialty classes. If their plan says 1, that means one type of specialty class. For example, if you choose "Music Theory" as your class. That is the only class you can attend. You may switch to a new class halfway through the session.
Booking Cancellation Policy​
If you have scheduled a lesson in the app but want to cancel, please notify us at least 1 hour before the lesson as a courtesy to our instructors.
Scheduling Policy​
All Guitar Collective students need to schedule their lesson times in the app at least 24 HOURS BEFORE the lesson time of their choosing. If you forget, you will have to pick a time that is the next open day. It is recommended that every Sunday, you take a minute to schedule which lesson times you want for the week.
If you schedule a lesson that same day, the instructor will not be attending the lesson and you must pick a new lesson time that is at least the next open day.
Refund/Cancellation Policy
We highly discourage cancelling your membership after your student has already begun the semester. The reason is because 1) continuing in a commitment teaches them perseverance and integrity; 2) music helps them grow stronger in all areas of learning because it is one of only a few activities that uses the entire brain.
You will be locked into your commitment for the full semester once you sign up. If there is a sickness, family emergency, major event that causes you to either need to pause your lessons, or cancel for the whole semester, contact us and each situation will be evaluated to see if it qualifies for cancellation.
If you need to cancel your entire membership early, there will be an early cancelation fee of 50% of the remainder of the semester cost. For example, if you have 10 weeks left and pay $25 a week, you will have to pay $125 to cancel.
We do not do partial refunds for missed lessons or weeks. We may accommodate and provide you with virtual lessons in the case of sickness or inability to make it to the in-person lessons one week but only if there is available space in the schedule.
Cell Phone Policy:
Students are not allowed to use their cell phones for entertainment purposes during their lessons. They may use it to make emergency calls if necessary. All cell phones must be put on vibrate during the class time.
Change of Information:
To protect the welfare and safety of all children, parents must notify their teacher or business in writing of any change in address, telephone number, medical information, caregiver information or emergency contact information.
Personal Belongings:
Neither your teacher nor the facility hosting classes are responsible for any personal belongings.
In the event of inclement weather, parents will be contacted with pertinent information via email or text.
Food & Drink:
To maintain cleanliness, food is prohibited in the classroom. Only water is allowed in the sanctuary.
Photo & Video Release:
Parent agrees to allow the teacher to take video or photos of their family and gives permission for these videos or photos to be used for publicity purposes. Names will never be published without permission from the parent/guardian. If you don’t want your child photographed, please inform the teacher. Parents may only take video or photos of their own children.
If any child or caregiver creates a situation that in the sole discretion of the teacher or the facility creates an unsafe or unprofessional environment, then the teacher or Grace Note Guitars has the unilateral right to revoke the enrollment of the offending party. Should this extreme situation happen then the offending family will be issued a full refund for the unused portion of your enrollment.
Liability Waiver:
Participating in a class with other students could result in contracting a sickness or Covid-19. Grace Note Guitars will take necessary precautions by disinfecting equipment after lessons...etc. Because there is always a risk of sickness, he enrolling family understands that they participate in these lessons at their own risk. The parent/legal guardian hereby relinquishes the teacher of this class, all parties working with him/her, Cheshire Baptist Church, all other participants in these activities, of any liability whatsoever relating to their participation in these activities, and agrees to inform their instructors of any and all factors which may affect their child’s ability to participate in these activities, including but not limited to, disabilities, illnesses, or injuries. The enrolling family understands that they participate in these activities at their own risk.
For the benefit of all other children, parents must keep sick children at home.
Medical Emergencies:
In the case of an emergency, the teacher or someone at the facility will call 911.
Policies & Terms Agreement:
By registering for the guitar collective, the enrolling family agrees to follow all policies and procedures stated above. Non-compliance with these policies and procedures may result in termination of enrollment. The teacher has the right to update policies at any time.