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KidzRock Class Policies

Music Class Policies

Class Information & Terms of Service


Teacher’s Name: Joshua Superneau

Class Name: KidzRock


Class Cancellations:

In rare instances a class that a parent signed up for may be cancelled for the upcoming or current session.  If this occurs that parent will have the option to switch to another class time or receive a refund.


Missed Classes and Make-Ups:

There will be no make-up classes or refunds for days that are missed by the student. In the case of the teacher having to cancel a class, there may be a make-up class provided for you if the schedule allows.


Cancellations and Refunds:

If a parent or child must cancel enrollment for circumstances outside of their control, they will be refunded a prorated amount for any remaining weeks if eligible for refund. Each person’s situation will be evaluated on a case by case basis. 



Payments must be received before the first day of class. You may not attend class until your first payment has been received. All payments are to be made online. If a payment doesn't go through, you have 10 days to make the payment, before your child can no longer attend the class. In this case, once your payment has been made, your child may resume classes with us. 


30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If your child doesn't like Kidzrock within their first 30 days, you can receive a full refund of what you have already paid. This only applies to new Kidzrock customers. If you have already taken Kidzrock and sign up for a new semester, you do not qualify for the money back if you want to cancel. 



For the benefit of all other children, parents must keep sick children at home.  


Medical Emergencies:

In the case of an emergency, the teacher or someone at the facility will call 911. 



Food & Drink:

To maintain cleanliness, food is prohibited in the classroom.  Water is allowed. 


Personal Belongings:

Neither your teacher nor the facility hosting classes are responsible for any personal belongings.



In the event of inclement weather, parents will be contacted with pertinent information via email or text. Make sure to check email frequently.


Change of Information:

To protect the welfare and safety of all children, parents must notify their  teacher or business in writing of any change in address, telephone number, medical information, caregiver information or emergency contact information.


Photo & Video Release:

Parent agrees to allow the teacher to take video or photos of their family and gives permission for these videos or photos to be used for publicity purposes. Names will never be published.  If you don’t want your child photographed, please inform the teacher.  Parents may only take video or photos of their own children.  



If any child or caregiver creates a situation that in the sole discretion of the teacher or the facility creates an unsafe or unprofessional environment, then the teacher or Grace Note Guitars has the unilateral right to revoke the enrollment of the offending party.  Should this extreme situation happen then the offending family will be issued a full refund for the unused portion of your enrollment. 


Liability Waiver:

The parent/legal guardian understands that participating in physical activities during music classes, even with proper supervision, may result in serious injury, illness, or even death.  The parent/legal guardian hereby relinquishes the teacher of this class, all parties working with him/her, the facility hosting classes, the songwriters and producers, the makers and owners of all equipment and props used herein, and all other participants in these activities, of any liability whatsoever relating to their participation in these activities, and agrees to inform their instructors of any and all factors which may affect their child’s ability to participate in these activities, including but not limited to, disabilities, illnesses, or injuries. The enrolling family understands that they participate in these activities at their own risk.


Policies & Terms Agreement:

By registering for this music class, the enrolling family agrees to follow all policies and procedures stated above.  Non-compliance with these policies and procedures may result in termination of enrollment.  The teacher has the right to update policies at any time.


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